Thesis & Dissertation Research Proposal Sections

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Writing a thesis or dissertation research proposal section can be one of the most difficult stages of the research proposal writing process. Most research proposal students are unfamiliar with how to organize and write a thesis or dissertation research proposal section. Students are usually confused about what to include in a thesis or dissertation research proposal section. Students often do not know how to present a thesis or dissertation research proposal section. There is a lot of information to know about how to write a thesis or dissertation research proposal section, but students do not know where to find this information. There is also a lot of information about this topic on the Internet, but most of it is from unreliable sources.

A Thesis is a document that highlights a person’s research, as well as the research of others, focusing on a particular topic. The Thesis is an essential part of the process of earning a Master’s or Doctorate degree. A Thesis is also an invaluable way to learn how to cite sources, so you should never create one without referencing at least a few different materials.

Research proposals by graduate students or university researchers typically follow a similar format, consisting of titles and paragraphs that explain the purpose of the research, specify the scope and extent of the study, and emphasize its importance as a contribution to the scholarly literature. Knowing how to write a research proposal is essential to getting your thesis or dissertation accepted.

While the components of a research proposal may vary depending on whether it is a grant, thesis, conference paper, or professional project, there are certainly common components. In this article, we will discuss the components commonly found in research proposals, explain their purpose, and provide a template for a research proposal.

What are the components of a research proposal?

Let’s look at each part of the research proposal:

  • Title
  • Summary
  • General Objective
  • Reference works
  • Research question
  • Definitions of terms and nomenclature
  • Research methodology
  • Challenges and limitations
  • Resources required and budget
  • Ethical considerations
  • Proposed timetable
  • Links
  • Appendix

What is the purpose of each part of the research proposal?

The paragraphs and headings of the above research proposal resemble a fully edited and published scientific journal article, which you will probably recognize if you are a new undergraduate or graduate student just beginning to read peer-reviewed scientific journal articles.

However, the purpose of each part of a research proposal is quite different from that of the final document.


Target: Explain in a few words what the study will focus on.

What you have to do Give your research proposal a concise and appropriate title. Please include the name of your faculty advisor (and his/her academic department).

Note: The cover pages of research proposals are usually standardized or defined and contain or summarize basic administrative information such as the university or research institution. Titles should be short and concise enough to inform the reader of the purpose and nature of the study.

Related item: How to choose the best title for your research manuscript


Target: Provide an overview of the study, which you will describe in detail in the following sections of the research proposal.

What you have to do Provide a brief overview of your project. State the objectives of your research proposal and clearly indicate which research questions you wish to answer. Explain which hypotheses you will be testing.

Note: A good summary should draw attention to the problems the candidate wants to address, make suggestions for solving these problems and state the research objectives and plan. The applicant’s qualifications and budgetary requirements must also be described.

Watch a webinar on how to write an effective introduction to astudy

General use

Target: Clearly and concisely state the overall purpose of the document.

What you should do: Summarize your problem for someone who knows science, but may not have a clue about your specific research topic.

Note: The purpose or objective of the research proposal should be result-oriented and not process-oriented. For example, the result of a study might look like this: Identify the enzyme involved in process X, while process – Conduct a protein electrophoresis study on mice expressing gene Y. Each application must have at least three objectives.

Review of reference literature

Target: Demonstrate a link between the objectives of the proposed study and what is already established in the relevant field of knowledge.

What you should do: Selective and critical analysis of literature. Explain the work of other researchers so that your professor or project leader has a clear idea of how you will review previous research and develop the literature.

Note: One of the most effective ways to substantiate the purpose and importance of your research is to address gaps in the literature, controversies in your research area, and current research trends. This will help you understand how your paper or research will contribute to the body of scientific knowledge. Before you write this section, you should learn how to write a literature review.

Research question or hypothesis

Target: Be specific about what the study will examine or falsify.

What you should do: Make a clear distinction between dependent and independent variables and make sure the reader understands them. Make sure you use your terms consistently. Use the same nomenclature whenever possible.

Note: A research question represents a relationship between two or more variables in the form of a question, while a hypothesis is a statement about the relationship between two or more variables. Knowing where to place the research question in a research article is also crucial to writing a strong introductory paragraph.

Definition of terms

Target: State the meaning of key terms used in the study.

What you have to do Agree on the use of terms and nomenclature in your research proposal. Provide a clear definition of abbreviations and ensure that they are understood by scientists in other disciplines.

Note: Different fields of science often use different terms for the same thing. In addition, issues of linguistic consistency must be taken into account. In organic chemistry, although there are international standards for naming compounds, common names are still regularly used, e.g. B. Acetic acid versus ethanolic acid.

Research methodology

Target: Divide your research project into steps.

What you have to do  Explain how you intend to achieve the above research objectives, in terms that are understandable to the general reader. Explain your approach, design and methods.

Note: Your research proposal should explain the general scope of your research for other researchers in your field. This section is the most important part of the research proposal and is therefore the main focus for the reviewers. It is important to know how to explain your research methodology for reproducibility to advisors and graduate committees.

Problems and limitations

Target: Demonstrate awareness of and address research limitations, potential problems, and barriers to answering the research question.

What you have to doGently nip criticism in the bud before it torpedoes your research project. Explain that any limitations or potential conflicts will only delay your research or change/reduce its scope; they will not fundamentally affect the importance of your research.

Note: Any research project or study has limitations in terms of scope and execution. Sometimes it’s a key process that causes problems, or a material that’s not readily available. Discussing boundaries is essential to show that you are a competent and experienced researcher who deserves recognition.

Related item: How to present research limitations and alternatives

Resources required and budget

Target: List the resources required for your study and include costs and deadlines that may affect the completion of the study.

What you have to doThink like a businessman. Share the resources available at your institution or university and the resources you still need. This may include materials, machinery, laboratory equipment and computers. Means can also be human: Experience in the implementation of the procedure and other forms of cooperation.

Note: This section outlines the reasons why the funding agency or scientific committee should fund your university, your laboratory group, or yourself to conduct this particular research.

Ethical considerations

Target: Specify how participants will be informed of the following

the general nature and purpose of the study and how informed consent will be applied

to be obtained.

What you have to doConsult with your academic institution, your graduate advisor, and your colleagues in the lab. Don’t miss this part because it has legal implications.

Note: Often these types of disclaimers are well established and available as templates from your research institute or university. All you have to do is ask for the proper permission and have it verified by your institution’s legal counsel.

Read how to report conflicts of interest in research proposals

Proposed regulation

Target: Indicate the expected time frame for planning, completing, reviewing and reporting your research.

What you have to doApproach this part with a project management style. In an orderly fashion, describe the specific timetable for each part of your study. Identify bottlenecks and display them.

Grade: Competent time management is something that is acquired with a lot of research experience. Ask your teacher or colleague if you have any questions about the length of certain procedures.


Target: Provide detailed bibliographic information and reference citations.

What you have to doUse an online quote generator that can instantly organize your quotes in any format. Make sure you do it while you work and don’t put it off until the last minute when you’ve already lost the thread.

Note: The bibliographic format used varies according to the research discipline. Consistency is essential; whatever style is chosen must be carefully maintained throughout the work.

Related item: How many references should be included in the research proposal?


Target: Add additional material or information.

What you have to do Attach letters of support or collaboration and reprints of relevant articles if not available electronically. In addition, you can include data sheets, surveys, questionnaires, data collection procedures, clinical protocols, and informed consent documents.

notes: Many authors try to include supporting documentation with their research proposal. But remember: More is not always better. Make sure you only include information that strengthens your case, not lengthens it.

Note: Competent time management is something that is acquired with a lot of research experience. Ask your teacher or colleague if you have any questions about the length of certain procedures.


Whether it’s academic (undergraduate or graduate) or professional (public or private) research, how you structure the parts of your research proposal is one of the first things experts will look at. Many academic examiners simply scan and check chapter titles. Missing headings or oddly worded headings can immediately give the reviewer a bad impression of your proposal.

Therefore, make use of some of our resources, such as. B. Citation Generator and Research Proposal Checklist, or contact us for more information on academic editing or proofreading services.

Read our guide on editing and proofreading to learn more about how language editing of manuscripts can improve your writing and increase your chances of publication.

This source has been very much helpful in doing our research. Read more about thesis statement template and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write a thesis statement?

What’s the thesis statement? It’s the basis of any argumentative essay written for school or for any professional purposes. A thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of the entire essay. You have to convince your readers that your claim is true. Whether you’re writing a five-page term paper or a twenty-page doctoral dissertation, the same basic steps apply to writing a strong thesis statement. First, let’s define what a thesis statement is. The thesis statement is the sentence in which you state your argument, or main point.

The statement should be debatable and contain some level of complexity. It should also have an introduction, body, and conclusion. This introduction to the art of writing a thesis statement will help you understand the different parts of a thesis statement, and give you some ideas for creating a thesis statement for your next academic paper.

What is thesis example?

A thesis is a sort of introduction to the subject that is being discussed in a piece of writing and provides the reader with the basic principles of that writing. In a general sense, a thesis gives the reader a preview of the ideas that will be discussed in the paragraphs that follow. It can be a short phrase or sentence or a longer paragraph depending on the topic. I have a strong background in writing and reader-friendly prose, including: • Excellent command of the English language, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation • A natural voice and written style that is professional, engaging, and easy to read • A background in journalism with a focus on news writing • Experience researching and writing in various fields • An ability to Writing a college level thesis needs to be done in a specific way. There are a number of things you need to do to ensure your thesis is ready for submission. You will need to spend a lot of time on your thesis and you should read this article to find out how to write a thesis and what steps to take.

What is a thesis in college?

Most students know a thesis is a big paper that has to be turned in at a certain point of a degree program, but what does it entail? What goes into writing a thesis? In short, a thesis is a specific type of research paper. It is a culmination of your educational experience, and it must include all the work you have done during your course. A thesis can be created for almost any subject and is often used as a way to prepare for a career in a specific field.

A thesis statement can be a good indicator of the quality of an essay. In fact, it is the most important feature of any essay- it is the foundation of your essay. It is the first and the last thing that your reader will see. The thesis statement must be a claim which needs to be supported with evidence from the rest of the essay. (It is how you will introduce the topic for the reader so that they are able to fully understand it.)

About the Author: Prateek

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