Essay On Stop Child Labor For Students In Easy Words – Read Here

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Child labor is a terrible issue that is not often discussed. It happens across the globe, and it has serious consequences. The International Labour Organization estimates that child labor has inflicted $152 billion in lost economic output in developing countries.

The project was started in order to ensure that students in India do not have to work in the fields to survive a meal a day. This is a sad picture of a child from a slum in India being forced to work in a cotton field. The child’s hands are bleeding from the stinging nettles and he is having a hard time breathing due to the dust. In the photo, the child is holding a cotton stalk.. Read more about essay on child labour in 150 words and let us know what you think.



Childhood is the most wonderful time of a person’s life; there are no worries or obligations. Simply lose track of time while playing and learning. However, such a childhood is not required for everyone.

Child labor is an issue that everyone is aware of. A child worker is a kid who is under the age of 14 who works for a livelihood.


Child Labor Is A Fact

Essay-On-Stop-Child-Labor-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsChildren continue to be trapped in the quagmire of child labor due to poverty, powerlessness, and parental persecution. Today, there are more than 200 million children under the age of 14 who work as child laborers throughout the globe.

And these children’s time is spent not in school with books and friends, but in hotels, homes, factories, cutlery, brooms, and tools. In India, the situation has grown very worrisome. India has the world’s highest number of child workers.

Why Do Kids Have To Work?


  • Poverty is the primary cause; impoverished parents send their children to work in homes and businesses.
  • Minors are also forced to labor instead of older people by merchants and small dealers, who simply have to pay half the price since they are children.
  • Due to the current economic situation in many parts of India, parents are selling their children for a small sum of money to contractors who install them in hotels, restaurants, and other industries as needed. The proprietors of the same hotels and industries also force the youngsters to perform arbitrary labor in exchange for a little amount of food.
  • During labor, children are often exposed to sexual abuse.
  • Children who work in hazardous sectors are exposed to severe illnesses such as cancer and tuberculosis.
  • Children labor tirelessly without becoming greedy.

How to Put an End to Child Labor

A stringent law should be enacted.

Essay-On-Stop-Child-Labor-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsTo end child labor, tough and severe regulations should be enacted, so that merchants and mill owners who deal with children under the pretext of low pay may be penalized and the child worker cannot be forced to work. Parents who send their children to work should be penalized as well.


Educate the public

1625964484_435_Essay-On-Stop-Child-Labor-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsAnother method to reduce child labor is to encourage education since an illiterate individual has no idea what it is like to work as a kid. Child work will be prohibited if education is encouraged, and people would be aware of child labor.

Poor parents should pay close attention to their children’s education since, in certain schools, the government now provides services such as free education, food, and medical.

Unemployment must be eradicated.

Essay-On-Stop-Child-Labor-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsStopping child labor means eliminating or reducing unemployment. People who are unable to support their families owing to unemployment are forced to hire their children as child laborers. When unemployment is gone, parents will bring their children to school to learn to read and write, and their children will have a joyful childhood.

Poverty must be eradicated.

To halt child labor, poverty must first be alleviated, since poverty is the primary cause of child labor. Poverty must be eradicated so that impoverished people will not send their children to work.

The Final Word

Child labor is a social stigma that may be eliminated by everyone in the community speaking out against it. Remember that child labor not only degrades children’s lives, but it also tarnishes the country’s reputation.

If you have any more questions about the Stop Child Labor Essay, please leave them in the comments section below.


The short essay on Stop child labor for students in easy words that will certainly help you to come up with some excellent ideas on how to stop child labory for students in easy words essay.. Read more about how to stop child labour essay and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How we can stop the child labour?

The best way to stop child labor is to make sure that children are not working.

Why is it important to stop child labor?

It is important to stop child labor because children are not allowed to work and they should be able to go to school instead.

How do you write a child labour essay?

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  • how to stop child labour

About the Author: Prateek

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